May God bless and keep the Tsar (and his entourage) far away from us (and from our beloved Iran)!
I only wish that some royalists, instead of being loyal to a lineage, would be loyal to humanity and decency.
I haven’t truly slept since mid-October, a week before my father’s passing… lost in memories, reconnecting with friends and family, holding onto unsaid words for my father, who lay on his deathbed thousands of miles away, drifting in and out, leaving us guessing each time if he’d wake.
Just when I thought the insomnia might finally end… Kianoush Sanjari took his own life. Hours later, I found myself editing a video, and part of it was about him. I had to search through his photos, merging them into the film… It was incredibly hard. I couldn’t stop crying.
Kianoush’s final message on X1
His last post on X, vivid in my mind, stole whatever little sleep I had left. Though we weren’t that close—we met at gatherings, exchanged a few words about life’s chaos. Honestly, we saw each other more on social media than in person.
Hours after the suicide, Niusha Saremi, an IITV anchor in London, held a Space on X. When a few who knew Kianoush spoke, I went numb, facing the inhumanity he endured and the relentless cruelty of those without a shred of decency…
But what hurt even more was the nonsense he faced after passing—from the latest wannabe intelligence interrogator, who tried to pressure Kianoush’s friend to make a bogus confession. These vile people dare to call themselves Royalists. I only wish that instead of being loyal to a royal lineage, they’d be loyal to humanity and decency.
As the rabbi says in Fiddler on the Roof, we can only pray and ask for a blessing for these creatures:
‘May God bless and keep the Tsar (and his followers) far away from us (and Iran)!’
Kianoush’s final message:
A promise fulfilled.
No one should be imprisoned for expressing their beliefs. Protest is the right of every Iranian citizen. My life will end after this tweet, but let us not forget that we give our lives out of a love for life, not for death. I hope that one day Iranians will awaken and overcome enslavement.
Long live Iran.